Conversion Rate Optimization

We are very confident about our service which has a combination of proficient approach, startling performance, reliable management system, and excellence in delivery which comprises of international standards. We own a high proficiency in offering tailored solutions based on your industry sector, hence, you can be assured about the delivery of out-of-the-box features and functionalities for your project from us. You can Hire Dedicated PHP Programmers from eLuminous Technologies to customize available open source and extra-ordinary solutions. You can communicate with our Programmer directly and appoint them after the proper interview.

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Turn your website visitors into business prospects through superior user experience psychographics that drives conversions.

More Leads = More Sales

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of scientifically getting an increased number of visitors follow a set of pre-planned actions and become customers or leads. CRO aims at optimizing the website conversion rate from available traffic rather than increasing traffic. Hence, be it a website sale or a download, a membership registration or a completed “Contact Us” form, every instance is considered to be a successful conversion.

How CRO Works For Your Business

Conversion Rate Optimization involves a number of strategies, all of which are aimed at improving the user experience of people visiting your website. Essentially, it wins over visitors when they have moved a step forward from the search engines to value your brand and considering the products and services offered by your business.

  • Call TrackingCall TrackingWith this, you can track who are visiting your website. After all, an age-old analytics software won’t provide you with such information. However, make sure that enquiries and orders are being made over telephone.
  • Landing Page OptimizationLanding Page OptimizationThis helps you ensure that your page content is relevant and accurately reflects targeted keywords. For prospective leads, nothing can be more off-putting than landing on an irrelevant page.
  • Website Usability TestingWebsite Usability TestingThe test identifies whether visitors are encountering any problem while visiting your website. With this, we iron out even the smallest technical issue or an incorrect usage of word or sentence that can negatively affect the conversion rate.

Few Other CRO Services That We Offer To Help You Maximize The Number Of Leads

CRO Services

How We Work

With an aim of turning web visitors into prospective customers, we start our mission by thoroughly studying and researching on the way customers engage with your website. This helps us get a better understanding of how the prospective visitors interact with the landing page of your site. The three key things that our CRO experts check are:

  1. If there is any problem in the website design
  2. If the content and layout of the website is relevant and user-friendly
  3. If there is any underlying technical glitch

Based on the problem identification and best web usability practices, we offer actionable suggestions that are guaranteed to make it easier for your web visitors to overcome the usability barriers.

Scientific CRO Methods: What Separates Us From Others

  • Creating hypothesis for improved conversion rate
  • Deciding on what should be tested to back-up that hypothesis
  • Beginning conversion testing after making relevant website changes
  • Collecting enough information for coming to an accurate test conclusion
  • Reviewing conversion status and making necessary adjustments

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