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Spread your business message in just few minutes & Drive high conversions

Online consumers are exposed to information overload and analytics highlights that scrolling down to navigate to the detailed page contents is on the decline, in such a scenario the question is how to reach out to your prospective customers with your marketing message. Explainer video is vastly becoming the popular online tool that answers this question.

An Explainer Video, popularly known as Marketing Video are animated videos in audio-visual form that can help you effectively communicate your business concepts, products, services, process and causes to your target audience. Such web based videos are generally of 1 minute to 3 minutes’ duration and portray simplified information about a business and its products and/or services at the website, blog, video sharing sites etc. The lively yet informative nature of these kinds of videos on any business website can significantly reduce website bounce rates with visitors spending more time with the engaging content format, that ultimately helps in better lead generation and conversions.

Explainer Videos of Indus Net – The Ultimate Solution That Makes Your Business Stand Apart

The customised and professional Explainer Videos created by us can persuade your business prospect with the business’ value proposition. It will not just make your website incredible and unique but will even make a direct way for you to reach your prospective customers. Our explainer videos will help you explain as well as promote your business brand/products and services much more efficiently than a simple website can. With an Explainer Video, you can reap the following key benefits:

  • Increased ConversionsIncreased ConversionsAnalytic tracking and survey shows that explainer videos can double your lead conversion rate. After all, modern web visitors mostly look for engaging web content.
  • Better Customer EducationBetter Customer EducationConceptual explainer videos are best at informing web visitors about your business. It is always better to visualise the products and services rather than reading about them.
  • Improved SEOImproved SEOIncluding innovative explainer videos within your website will make your website more appealing to web visitors and keep them interested. Additionally, your website will get search engine preference.

How Indus Net creates an Explainer Video

While creating an explainer video, our team of expert script writers, motion graphic artists, storyboard artists as well as animators join hands to make the video as creative and innovative as possible. Our Explainer Video creation process includes the following 6 quick and simple steps:

  • Understanding your business requirement
  • Brainstorming and converting your business ideas into a detailed script
  • Agreeing with you upon a preferred animation style
  • Planning an interesting storyboard
  • Applying music/voice and sound effects as required
  • Delivering the final video to you

What Indus Net Can Do For You

Committed to creativity and customer satisfaction, our explainer video developers are expert in creating the following videos:

  • Advertising Videos
  • Explainer or Overview Videos
  • Interactive Videos
  • Introductory Videos
  • Marketing Videos

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